An Apple 2, 2e cross-platform emulator
Apple2 from Jobs
Download Linapple

Generic Linapple by Mark Ormond

Linapple on Raspberry Pi!

Great thanks to Mark Ormond for fine tuning LinApple and publishing his work on GitHub. So this is the link:

To use this github version enter command:
$ git clone
and then follow making routines in INSTALL/README files.

What are the differences between version of Mark Ormond and original LinApple - Apple2 emulator for Linux?

  • First of all, you can build it for Raspberry Pi! Very nice.
  • Now needs SDL_image to compile
  • The charset40.bmp, font.bmp, and splash.bmp have now been encoded in the main executable. So no need for these files anymore.
  • Support for the following command line switches.
    • -1 Mount floppy image in first drive.
    • -2 Mount floppy image in second drive.
    • -r Autostart the emulation
    • -f Start in full screen mode
    • -b Benchmark and quit.
    For example you can start emulator this way: $ linapple -1 /home/user/Retro/roms/apple2/Frogger.dsk to auto-mount Frogger.dsk disk image on start up.

It now looks for linapple.conf and Master.dsk in the ~/.linapple directory. If not found it looks in the start directory. Neither of these files are required for operation, but linapple.conf is needed to change video modes, define joysticks, etc.

The following new options to linapple.conf have been added:

# For Joysticks you can define which Joystick index number, axis number, and buttons.
# Default for Joystick 1 is index 0, axis 0 and 1, buttons 0 and 1.
# Default for Joystick 2 is index 1, axis 0 and 1, button 0.
   Joy0Index = 0
   Joy1Index = 1
   Joy0Button1 = 0
   Joy0Button2 = 1
   Joy1Button1 = 0
   Joy0Axis0 = 0
   Joy0Axis1 = 1
   Joy1Axis0 = 0
   Joy1Axis1 = 1

# Enable Quitting the program with by pressing two joystick buttons at the same time
# Default is disabled, default buttons are 8 and 9.
   JoyExitEnable = 0
   JoyExitButton0 = 8
   JoyExitButton1 = 9

# Disable SDL Mouse Cursor, Handy for Full screen emulation.
# Default is enabled
   DisableCursor = 0

# YOU MUST SET THIS TO USE FTP! and it must have a cache subdir or FTP will fail
# So if your FTP Local Dir = /home/user/temp you need a directory /home/user/temp/cache

Thank you for using linapple!

My contact email: